Items tagged "Elsberry": 17
UFOs and Cattle Mutilations in Elsberry Missouri
Throughout the seventies, there were a series of strange and unexplainable events happening across the country, including the small town of Elsberry, Missouri. There were many reports coming in from local farmers of cattle mutilations. The reports…
Black and white photo of steam engine going through Elsberry
C B & Q Train visits Elsberry (1961)
Elsberry Race Track
Elsberry, Missouri Phone Book Ads
Lost Creek
Elsberry Flagpole
Elsberry Main Street ca. 1900
DuBois Elementary
On the Northeast corner of 4th and DuBios where the fire company now sits, was Elsberry’s first Elementary school. It was built in 1883 and was a two-story school. During its first 2 years it was a private academy open 10 months per year at…